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Youth Voices on a Post-2015 World
Published on
April 25, 2013
‘Youth Voices on a Post-2015 World’ is the result of youth consultations that were run in 12 countries globally from October 2012 to January 2013 to understand young people’s views on what should come after the Millennium Development Goals. 346 young people were given the space to discuss the local and global issues of importance to them, and articulate their visions and solutions for a better world beyond 2015. Delivered through a global network of 14 youth-led and youth-focused partners, these consultations have engaged diverse groups of young people rarely present in global or national policy-making processes. This innovative collaboration adds strength and depth to the existing global conversation that young people are engaging in on what development can and must look like beyond the expiry of the Millenium Development Goals in 2015. It also provides a depth of analysis and understanding rarely seen; offering access and insight on the world that young people want, and showing that young people can and must be a leading part of the solution.
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