Youth Consultations for a Post-2015 Framework: A Toolkit

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This toolkit has been designed to facilitate conversations with young people around the world on the subject of the post-2015 development framework, i.e. what should follow the Millennium Development Goals. It has been put together with specific input from partners in Sierra Leone, India, Nepal, Colombia, the United Kingdom, Kyrgyzstan, Croatia, Kenya, Romania, the Philippines, Ghana and Tanzania, but could be used by any youth organisation in any country wishing to stimulate conversation about a new development framework and what that would look like for young people. Any organisation wishing to input into this particular youth consultation project should record the results of the consultation as specified in this toolkit. At the end of each session plan you will find a guide to what needs to be recorded and a consultation reporting form is included in section 4 of this toolkit. However many of the activities in this toolkit could also be used as stand-alone activities or to compliment your own consultation agenda. It is hoped that this toolkit will provide a means of opening up the ‘development agenda’ conversation and make the process accessible to young people from many diverse backgrounds. It is also hoped that it will provide a means of sharing and valuing young people’s stories and experiences, and that the result of this will go towards influencing a post-2015 agenda that is meaningful for young people, especially the most marginalised young people, around the world.

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