Youth Assessment - Kyrgyz Republic

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The purpose of this youth assessment was to collect and analyze data on youth (e.g., defined in this report as between 15 to 30 years of age) in Kyrgyzstan. IYF collected data in Kyrgyzstan between 22 August and 4 September 2010. Analysis of these data began while in-country and continued upon return, through 16 September. Data included interviews with public sector officials, staff at universities, donor offices, private businesses and civil society organizations. Additionally, IYF conducted seven focus groups with young people, totaling a sample of 61 persons. These young people were drawn from diverse backgrounds, including sex, ethnicity, educational background and geography. The assessment draws conclusions based on these data that will be made available to USAID in determining future programming priorities and development investments. Using rapid assessment methods, IYF was charged with gathering and analyzing data on young people that would provide a “snapshot” of youth issues in Kyrgyzstan. These issues coalesced around two primary themes: citizenship and economic opportunity. Within these larger themes, numerous sub-themes emerged from the data, each of which is discussed below. Taken together, these findings provide useful information for future youth programs in-country. IYF will use these data to design a youth program that is customized to the expressed needs of young people in Kyrgyzstan and that reflects the interests and priorities of the United States government.


Daniel Oliver, Karin Atkins

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