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Youth and Adult Learning and Education in Angola
Published on
October 2, 2013
This report on Angola is part of that regional study. Its purpose was to gain a deeper understanding of the current delivery and funding of education and training for out-of-school youth and adults, and to identify the most effective institutions, governance principles, educational practices, collaboration with non-governmental agencies and networking that are currently available. The quantity, quality and accountability of education and training that is not part of the formal system can be vastly improved by adopting the best practice this research elicited. Using these pointers as a guide, the government of Angola can do much to ensure that the right of youth and adults to education and training is recognised, and that the capacity necessary for its realisation is provided. In this study, the researchers placed particular emphasis on the priorities and strategies outlined in the recommendations and commitments made at various UNESCO conferences on education between 2006-2010 (at Maputo, Bamako, Nairobi, Belém and Ouagadougou), which set African and international benchmarks (UNESCO, 2009a; 2009b; UNESCO Institute for Lifelong learning, 2007; 2008; 2010).
Eunice Inácio, Santinho Figueira
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English version