The Sunshine Report on Non-Formal Education

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This publication, the Sunshine report, aims at showing the great variety among non-formal education. It provides an opportunity for youth organisations to share with each other as well as with the outside world the work, they find valuable. It throws the spotlight on the area of non-formal education. For us, non-formal education is not only what happens during the activities, the effect is much broader. As someone once said, if you want to educate a nation, educate a woman. We can take that one step further and say that if you want to educate a society, educate young people. To demonstrate how non-formal education contributes to the awareness and change in society and the underlying intentions, we have included a number of general introductions. The report includes several chapters, which are divided according to the issue the activities work on. It begins with the individual development, moves on to group learning and more societal issues and closes with the work done towards more general public and support of sustainability and quality of non-formal education.

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