The History of Youth Work in Europe Vol. 2

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Those responsible today for giving form and content to youth work and a policy in support of youth work can hardly avoid the questions: What is youth work? and What is a policy in support of youth work? Another question is: Which policies were pursued yesterday and are they being pursued concretely today with regard to young people in the member states and - increasingly - at supranational level, that is at the level of the European Union and the Council of Europe? What do we know about these issues today and how can we use our relevant knowledge and insight to further develop youth work and youth work policy? The Blankenberge exercises - two workshops with approximately 40 participants each - invited experts to reflect on the history of youth work policy in their country and to look for its origins and roots. The point of these exercises was to exchange findings and experiences, and then confront and compare them with each other.


Björn Jaaberg Hansen, Filip Coussée, Gauthier Simon, Hans van Ewijk, Hans-Joachim Schild, Howard Williamson, Jan Vanhee, Johan Van Gaens, Lwazi Mboyi, Marta Mędlińska, Maurice Devlin, Péter Wootsch, Tineke Van de Walle, Tony Jeffs, Ulrich Bujes, Xavier Hurlet

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