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Teaching Approaches that Help to Build Resilience to Extremism Among Young People
Published on
April 24, 2013
This report presents the findings from a large-scale, in-depth research study into teaching methods that help to build resilience to extremism. The focus is on teaching methods to be used in a general classroom setting rather than as part of interventions targeted at those deemed at risk of extremism. The study was commissioned by the former Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF), now the Department for Education (DfE), with support from the Home Office. The Office for Public Management (OPM), an independent public service research and development centre, conducted the research in partnership with the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER), which is the UK’s largest independent provider of research, assessment and information services for education, training and children’s services. This introductory chapter sets the scene for the chapters that follow. It has five main aims: • Set out the objectives of the research • Give a clear definitions of key terms used throughout the report • Provide an outline of the methodology adopted • Present the analytical framework for the study • Provide a brief description of each of the 10 case studies used in the research.
Chris Reed, David Kerr, Joe Bonnell, Phil Copestake, Rachel Salter, Rowena Passy, Sanah Sheikh, Shama Sarwar
Available languages
English version