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Recommendations for improving and further developing the Structured Dialogue process
Published on
March 8, 2013
The Structured Dialogue with young people has become an established process for participatory policy making in the youth field among the 27 EU Member States. It is a space for young people and policy makers to discuss and feed into EU youth policy at national and European level together, as well as a tool to ensure that youth policy meets the needs and expectations of young people across Europe. It takes the form of national consultations at Member State level and EU Youth Conferences at European level. Outcome documents and recommendations from the Structured Dialogue are
online here.
The National Youth Councils evaluated the second cycle of the structured dialogue in the context of the seminar organised by Cyprus Youth Council on 4-9 October in Limassol. The outcome of the evaluation seminar is a set of recommendations formulated by National Youth Councils for the improvement and further development of the structured dialogue process.
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