Private Sector Toolkit for Working with Youth

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The purpose of this document is to explore cooperation between youth and the private sector, both in principle and in practice, in order to: - highlight the role of youth as social actors, and increase general understanding of young people’s great potential as development partners; - inspire the private sector to partner with youth by showcasing several case studies and demonstrating the economic advantage of investing in youth, in contrast to the cost of underinvestment; and - provide initial guidance on facilitating private sector engagement with young people, and the formation of meaningful partnerships, to better influence development processes worldwide. This technical paper has been produced by the United Nations Programme on Youth in the Division for Social Policy and Development of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs, and the NGO Restless Development, in the context of the International Year of Youth. The Private sector toolkit to working with youth is part of a series of technical papers aimed both at strengthening youth participation at all levels through cooperation among various stakeholders, as well as at highlighting the role of youth as agents of development. Building on Youth participation in development, which provides guidance to development agencies and policymakers, and the Activities kit, which provides guidance to young people on celebrating the International Year of Youth, this technical paper is a tool geared towards enhancing partnership between youth and the private sector.

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