Learning to Be - The World of Education Today and Tomorrow

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This is the report of the International Commission on the Development of Education, set up at the beginning of 1971 and chaired by Edgar Faure. The report aims to assist governments in formulating national strategies for the development of education in a changing universe. Emphasis is upon the need for an international community which reflects common problems, trends, and goals; the promotion of democracy through education; the opportunity of every individual for self actualisation; and the need for life-long education. The book is arranged into three major parts: (1) findings; (2) futures; and (3) towards a learning society. The first part traces the past roots and development of education; examines contemporary educational practice; identifies the needs, resources, and means for education; and suggests a basic reconsideration of educational structures and concepts. The second part examines the challenges of education, including progress in science and technology which offer great potential and knowledge but contribute to problems concerning the distribution of wealth, environmental destruction, and threats against justice. Focus is upon pedagogic discoveries. Aims of education work toward a scientific humanism, social commitment, creativity, and the complete man. The last part examines the role and functions of educational strategy, elements for contemporary strategy, and ways to build solidarity among all countries.


Abdul-Razzak Kaddoura, Arthur V. Petrovsky, Edgar Faure, Felipe Herrera, Frederick Champion Ward, Henri Lopes, Majid Rahnema

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