Leading for the Future

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Leading for the Future is a resource created with children and young people and adults from across Woodcraft Folk to support local groups to explore and develop their understanding of leadership, learn new skills and grow in confidence as young leaders. It is rooted in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child which promotes the full participation of children and young people to help secure the best possible present and future. It is a journey of activities, exploring different aspects of leadership, developing new skills and putting them into practice. While Leading for the Future fits well with materials on managing meetings, participation and campaigning, it is as it says on the tin about leadership and is informed by serious leadership thinking, drawing on the authors’ and experts experience in designing and delivering national and international management and leaderships programmes." The toolkit has four parts exploring leadership at an individual, group, community and national level. Each unit has 3 hours worth of activities that require little preparation and resources. • Part 1: Leadership: Our story - Who inspires me? What is leadership? What is our story and what do we bring? What does it mean to be a leader? • Part 2: Leadership: in our local groups - What are the things we need to know and do to be effective leaders in our local groups? • Part 3: Leadership: in our community - How do we gain the trust and interest of others, frame ideas and promote shared understanding and action? • Part 4: Leadership: across the country - What are the examples we can draw on, lessons to learn and skills needed to be leaders on a bigger stage? The Leading for the Future programme is supported by a range of online resources, such as more stories and leadership thinking, at: www.woodcraft.org.uk/leadingforthefuture


Alex Farrow, Bill Badham

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