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Generic Youth Development Framework - A Discussion Document
Published on
February 18, 2013
This document sets out a generic youth development framework. It recognises that many organisations, including non-government organisations, education systems, the Department of Defence and private institutions contribute to youth development and that some have done so for many decades. Evidence of good practice developed by these organisations, as well as Australian and international research and discussion documents, provide a background for this framework, to build a strengths-based approach to positive youth development. The generic youth development framework was initiated by the Department of Defence and was developed by the Youth Research Centre at The University of Melbourne. The framework reflects a synthesis of available literature on positive youth development. Readers familiar with youth development will find much that confirms current practice. The framework builds on rather than supersedes other frameworks (such as the Ausyouth youth development framework), strengthening and extending current practice. The interpretation of the generic framework is supported by indicators. These are designed to help the reader to identify elements relevant to their context. The use of the framework is supported by a synthesis of findings on governance, curriculum and program design, program leader requirements, inclusion, community involvement and continuous improvement.
Ani Wierenga, Johanna Wyn
Available languages
English version