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Education for All - Global Monitoring Report 2012 - Youth and Skills - Putting Education to Work
Published on
March 11, 2013
With just three years to go until the deadline for the Education for All goals that were set in Dakar, Senegal, it is vitally urgent to ensure that the collective commitments made by 164 countries in 2000 are met. Lessons also need to be drawn to inform the definition of future international education goals and the design of mechanisms to make sure that all partners live up to their promises. Unfortunately, this year’s EFA Global Monitoring Report shows that progress towards many of the goals is slowing down, and that most EFA goals are unlikely to be met. Despite the gloomy outlook overall, progress in some of the world’s poorest countries shows what can be achieved with the commitment of national governments and aid donors, including greater numbers of children attending pre-school, completing primary school and making the transition to secondary education. The 2012 EFA Global Monitoring Report is divided into two parts. Part I provides a snapshot of progress towards the six EFA goals, and towards spending on education to finance the goals. Part II turns to the third EFA goal, paying particular attention to the skills needs of young people.
Alasdair McWilliam, Andrew Johnston, Asma Zubairi, Claudine Mukizwa, Diederick de Jongh, Elise Legault, Erin Chemery, François Leclercq, Hans Botnen Eide, Joanna Härmä, Judith Randrianatoavina, Karen Moore, Kate Redmen, Kwame Akyeampong, Leila Loupis, Léna Krichewsky, Madeline Barry, Manos Antoninis, Marcos Delprato, Maria Rojnov-Petit, Marisol Sanjines, Martina Simeti, Nicole Bella, Patrick Montjourides, Pauline Rose, Stuart Cameron
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