Education For All - Global Monitoring Report 2008 - Education for All by 2015 - Will we make it?

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This edition of the Education for All Global Monitoring Report marks the midway point in an ambitious international movement to expand learning opportunities for every child, youth and adult by 2015. At the World Education Forum in 2000, 164 governments, 35 international institutions and 127 non-government organizations adopted the Dakar Framework for Action, promising to commit the necessary resources and effort to achieve a comprehensive and inclusive system of quality education for all.


Aaron Benavot, Alison Clayson, Anaïs Loizillon, Anna Haas, Catherine Ginisty, Claudine Mukizwa, Cynthia Guttman, Delphine Nsengimana, Fadila Caillaud, Isabelle Reullon, Keith Hinchliffe, Mariela Buonomo, Nicholas Burnett, Nicole Bella, Patrick Montjourides, Paula Razquin, Suhad Varin, Ulrika Peppler Barry, Vittoria Cavicchioni, Yusuf Sayed

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