Comparative Analysis of National Youth Policies

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The International Council on National Youth Policy (ICNYP) Secretariat has undertaken this study in cooperation with the GTZ/BMZ sectoral project “Promotion of children and youth as a target group in development cooperation” from 1 November 2004 to 31 May 2005. Mr. William D. Angel, Secretary General of the ICNYP, served as the Coordinator of the Study and was assisted by both a team of ICNYP Student Interns and ICNYP Youth Expert Members as cited in Annexes I (List of Research Staff) and Annex II (List of Interviews and Research). The study is quite unique as no such study has ever been undertaken on this topic on an international basis and with both adults and young people in a joint undertaking, and with a methodology which included both research and interviews with representatives of Governmental Ministries responsible for Youth and national youth NGO coordinating platforms on the impact of National Youth Policies. The outline of the study undertaken by the ICNYP Secretariat follows: 1: Review of International Standards on National Youth Policy; 2: Global Analysis on Actions to Promote National Youth Policy; 3: Regional Analysis on Actions to Promote National Youth Policy; 4: Criteria for Country Analysis on National Youth Policy; 5: Comparative Analysis of Country Actions to Implement National Youth Policies; 6: Presentations of Best Practices on National Youth Policy and Programmes; 7: Proposal on Criteria, Conditions and Steps for the Implementation of National Youth Policies.

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