The ‘Youth Blast’ is the Conference of Youth for Rio+20, a preparatory event for all children and youth attending the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD) widely known as Rio+20 in Brazil. We are there to report from the event, and have made two short videos about what the Youth Blast is, and our first impressions of the big-budget, high profile event. You can follow our coverage on Twitter @youthpolicy
Our first impressions from the Conference of Youth for Rio+20 called “Youth Blast,” which is the preparatory event for all children and youth attending the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD), which is widely known as Rio+20 in reminiscence of the 1992 Earth Summit.
The event is co-organized by the UNCSD Major Group of Children and Youth together with the Brazilian National Youth Secretary and in partnership with the Government of Brazil, the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Brazilian National Youth Council CONJUVE.
The Youth Blast explained from Youthpolicy on Vimeo.
The overall aim of the Youth Blast is to empower young people to effectively participate in and engage with Rio+20 and its processes.
Youth Blast: first impressions from Youthpolicy on Vimeo.