Activism & Volunteering

Youth Development Project in Profile - Student Stop AIDS Campaign in the United Kingdom

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As part of our series profiling youth development organisations, and in support of the upcoming World AIDS Day, has profiled Student Stop Aids and their #WhyStopNow campaign. A key member of the broad coalition of NGOs which make up the Stop AIDS Campaign,SSAC works to bring about those changes in national and international policy necessary for turning the tide on the spread of HIV and AIDS around the world.

Founded in 2003 the Student Stop Aids Campaign (SSAC) consists of groups and individuals across theUK who believe that the present global response to the HIV pandemic is ‘insufficient and unacceptable’.

A key member of the broad coalition of NGOs which make up the Stop AIDS Campaign, SSAC has established itself as a highly effective campaigning and awareness raising network, working to bring about those changes in national and international policy necessary for turning the tide on the spread of HIV and AIDS around the world.


Fundamentally, the SSAC vision is ‘to ensure there are zero new infections, zero discrimination, and zero AIDS related deaths’; and the campaign orientates itself towards:

  • Supporting the reversal and ultimate ending of the HIV/AIDS pandemic through the promotion of universal access to evidence-based prevention and affordable treatment and through long term and sustainable care and support.
  • Ensuring governments, global institutions and corporations to put the life-saving needs of people before profit and commercial interests.
  • Delivering a world free from stigma and discrimination through increased global awareness and education.

Central to the work of SSAC is an understanding and belief that young people have the potential and capacity to fight for global issues, becoming highly skilled and effective activists.


Have your voice heard! Support the #WhyStopNow campaignin less than 60 seconds? Follow this link and write to Prime Minister Cameron asking him to make bringing an end to the AIDS crisis within a generation a government priority.


Interested in the role youth-led development can play in the battle for an AIDS free generation? Check out:

Advocacy for Action Tool Kit

Youth Participation & Leadership: Combating HIV & AIDS in Southern Africa

A pharmaceutical whodunit: Stop AIDS Campaigners expose Novartis, in the Indian Supreme Courtroom, with Greed


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